Ah Snap! The New Year is upon us! Sayonara 2023, 2024 is about to bust through the door. OH YEAH! But before we officially say goodbye to 2023 Lemonnade South Sacramento and I have one last thing to offer before this train ride crashes into the platform. We’ve got one last dance, and we gotta boogie this year out right! So put on your fancy clothes, don on those fancy hats, throw on your dancing shoes, get all glammed up, and let’s blast this year right out of the atmosphere.  To aid in your festive preparations, here’s a collection of cannabis and cannabis products that just might be the best products to enhance your New Years glam jamming!

Star Rockets in Flight

Okay, it’s clichĂ©, but clichĂ© is good as long as it isn’t corny…right? Sometimes you gotta bring in an old reliable, a crowd favorite, the gold standard…and you can’t have a new year without a giant ball dropping to a timer and an explosive extravaganza to end it all and give the people what they want. Reminds me of something, can’t quite put my finger on it… oh well.

So how do you join in, how do you become a part of this celebratory brigade? How do you engage with the crescendo of rockets in flight and a lightshow that delights and dazzles?

You grab a pack of Cookies Blunt Adois MF’s is what you do. Rolled up and ready to smoke. Grab that lawn chair, park it in front of the tv or whatever, light up the fuse, and watch those sparks fly. What more can I say? There’s no better way to kiss 2023 goodbye than saying it with an Adios MF.

Or maybe there’s more? I could be wrong, I can take it, I’m not your narcissistic aunt. To be fair, best is but a relative word, who’s to say you shouldn’t shoot for the moon, the Crescendo Moon that is. When you’ve boogying down, doing some splits and shaking your hips to celebrate the new year, and a moon walk perhaps awakens within you, get on the moon, be the moon. Presidential’s Crescendo Moon Rock Blunt has got some Top-shelf organic flower, that might just be ready to send you to the moon and back. It’s known to allow for an experience of happy and energetic vibes. So when you hit the floor and drop it like it’s hot, and you gotta kick it up a notch… fire that rocket off to the moon!

One more Time

You’ve had a good year. No let’s try that again, you’ve had an amazing year. One more time, you’ve had the bestest year. We’re gonna stop there before we get too excited. What do you do with it though? How do you compose a collection of those collective memories? Spotify wrapped up all your music, google photos showcased all your memories, every social media outlet screamed at you about what you did and demanded you shared it. The glory, the setbacks, the rivalries, the triumphs. But how do you take it all in on your captain’s chair singing Auld Lang Syne?

I’ve got an idea. Grab some good ol’ cannabis flower dognabbit. Go down memory lane the old fashioned way I say! Get a bag of Petty Tom from Turkey Bag Heroes from Lemonnade South Sac and take a day. It’s a staff pick and one that has won over our hearts. Ring in the new year and then wring out the old year with a trip down memory lane.

Shake it off

Maybe I’m being too positive. Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. For every up, there must be a down. That’s just physics. There’s no guarantee that your 2023 went off without a hitch and was an unending glitter bomb going off in your face every moment. Perhaps (and I’m just guessing here) you just want to leave it buried 12 feet under on some remote desert island and sail away, navigating into some far off sunset. Well, this is your chance to shake it off. New Year’s is all about new beginnings, right?

Trust me, you’re going to be out there this New Year, dancing your hardest, screaming at the top of your lungs, jumping for joy, and hitting up all the lights and sounds out there for you, metaphorically of course. Your gonna shine your brightest and this 2024 has the best, the very best in store for you. You just gotta dance, dance it off, and here’s a lineup just for you!

Speaking of islands, Lemonnade has an Indoor Tahitian Lime flower strain. Known for giving off an energetic, happy, and inspired effect. It might just be the right strain for you to ring in a fabulous 2024. Kick back in your hammock and swing on those positive vibes.

Still on the theme of energetic, happy, and inspired effects Puff’s Lemonwreck Pre-rolls are another viable option to give you an uplifting hit to segway into 2024.

Either way, remember, new years are all about new beginnings. New plans, new relationships, new encounters. You gotta shake off the old and let in the new. Being receptive is where it’s at.

Wind Down Now

All things considered, when you’re ready to kick back and take a break, to wind down from driving the old out and taking the new in. Consider picking up a Chill Pre-roll from Puff as well. Sink back, the future is still unwritten, stay positive and hopefully this strain can bring you some happy, relaxed, and restful effects.

Take it all in

Ending on a positive and sort of serious note. This year, when you celebrate the new year, whether you are out dancing your heart out, lighting up fireworks with loved ones, or quietly enjoying and reminiscing on your past year, remember to take care of yourself. To stay positive, to take in the silver lining at every turn, to enjoy the little things that life brings. And stay safe out there while enjoying yourself. From Lemonnade South Sacramento and I to you, Happy New Year everybody! Shine on all of you, and show them your sparkle!