Since the recreational legalization of Cannabis in California in 2016, many of us have a been around to see the evolution of what we experience as “Cannabis Culture.” It’s almost been a full seven years since the change, and so many brands and pop up dispensaries have attempted at best to change the stigmas associated with cannabis and it’s use.

You’ve all probably seen the ads, pictures of grandma’s riding rascal mobility scooters down the street in red jumpsuits toking some doobies and a west coast font hangs from the top displaying the word “Stoner.” I mean I get it, you wouldn’t have an ad with a dude watching family guy with cheeto’s stuck to his beard and a roach smoldering through his shirt with the title “Stoner.” It takes time to shift that narrative. Even medically some medical professionals see the benefits and others don’t, not yet at least. And as an old pharmacist who’s probably retired once told me back in HS, “it has no medical use or properties.” But we can all be misinformed at times. So the opinion on cannabis and it’s benefits for use are still out with the jury and it’s going to be a while.

In the meantime, since we can’t rely solely on ads, and the medical community is taking their sweet time trying to really find the breakthrough argument for cannabis, we are relegated to personal anecdotal evidence. Which is kind of hard, I mean how many social media influencers are actually an honest source of opinion, AMIRITE?

Which brings me to why I’m writing this blog post for Lemonnade Sacramento. I want to come from a sincere angle here and use this space for people like me who have experimented with and have used cannabis to help overcome a variety of issues that we might face. But to also give voice to its use, just because we like it. If we are going to get cannabis to a place where it can be accepted wholly (and we are on that path) then we need to share about our experiences with it so that we don’t have to constantly justify it’s use. Some people may like it, some people may need it, and some people don’t, great. That should be the narrative.

So on a mission to expand on that theme. Here’s a story about my dog Zuzu.

Last month Zuzu hurt her back, like to a pretty severe degree. I mean, it’s mostly my fault. I keep feeding that dog table scraps and I have to be careful to limit her food intake because she will eat until she vomits. Zuzu is piebald dachshund, she is supposed to be a mini, but more of a “tweenie” because she put on that weight. I tried to diet her, but you know, they give you those puppy dog eyes and it’s like, okay just one little bite. Anyways, dachshunds are at a high risk for having back injuries because of their structure. Like, picture holding a hotdog in the middle and shake it up and down, almost the same structure as weenie dogs.

We aren’t exactly sure what happened to her because we were sleeping. But it was like 3 AM, she jumped on the bed in the master bedroom and immediately started crying and whining. I woke up, sat up and called her to me and she shivered and screamed if I tried to reposition her. My daughter, who is really young (not even preschool yet) was woken up and started screaming too. Freaking fiasco.

Anyways I took Zuzu downstairs, got a hot pack for her, tried to massage her back and gave her some doggy aspirin for short term pain relief. The hard part about when your dog hurts their back or any pet injury really, is making sure that the injury does not get worse and to keep them in a comfortable environment so that they can recover. Easier said than done. I crated her and was planning to crate her for a minimum of 3-4 weeks. Unfortunately, my kids figured out how to open the crate latch and three days later Zuzu messed up her back again by jumping on the couch while I was in the bathroom. Now she has a lock on the kennel.

I know from my own medical problems and some cannabis use in moderation that cannabis can be effective in reducing inflammation. So I decided to do a little research on how cannabis products for animals might help out my dog. Here’s what I found about some of the uses of cannabis for our furry friends, courtesy of ChatGPT:

Cannabis products, particularly CBD (cannabidiol) derived from hemp, have been explored for their potential benefits in addressing various health issues in animals. Here’s a brief overview:


CBD’s Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

CBD has shown anti-inflammatory properties, which may help in reducing inflammation in animals. This can be beneficial for conditions such as arthritis or other inflammatory disorders.

Pain Management:

Analgesic Effects of CBD:

CBD may act as an analgesic, helping to manage pain in animals. This can be especially useful for pets dealing with chronic pain or discomfort.


Calming Effects:

CBD has been studied for its potential to reduce anxiety and stress. It interacts with the endocannabinoid system, influencing neurotransmitter levels and promoting a sense of calm.

Dosage Considerations:

Consultation with a Veterinarian:

It’s crucial to consult with a veterinarian before administering any cannabis products to animals. They can provide guidance on appropriate dosages and ensure that the treatment aligns with the specific needs and health conditions of the animal.

Types of Products:

CBD Oil:

Often administered as drops under the tongue or mixed with food.

CBD Treats:

Specialized treats infused with CBD can be a convenient way to administer it to pets.

Cautionary Notes:

THC Content:

Ensure that the CBD product used has minimal or no THC, as THC can be harmful to animals.

Individual Responses:

Animals may respond differently, so monitoring their reactions and adjusting dosage accordingly is important.

Remember, while there’s promising research on the benefits of CBD for animals, it’s an evolving field, and individual responses can vary. Always seek professional advice and ensure the products used are safe for your specific pets.

After taking the above information into account, I went to Lemonnade Sacramento and chatted with their budtenders to see if they had any useful products I could give to Zuzu while she remained in her little confined space. Just wanted to get something to make her more comfortable and at ease, while also helping reduce that inflammation in her back. They recommended a starter pack from VETCBD. I thought she might not like the tincture, but I was wrong, she laps up every drop without hesitation. Some things still surprise me.

Prior to having the CBD, she was crying every time she had to get out of the kennel to eat, drink water, or go potty outside. It was hard to watch another in pain and I had to constantly monitor her when I let her out. But after three days of administering the tincture there was noticeable improvement. Within three days she wanted to run and was whining to be let out… facepalm. So now the only issue is making sure she doesn’t overdo it. As an added bonus when she is kenneled, she appears much more calm and relaxed… except when we cook for obvious reasons.

So yeah, VETCBD, stick a poster up of my black and tan piebald Dachshund wearing some Rayban Wayfarer Classics on a rascal scooter, with a west coast font hanging from the top labeled “Stoner.” I’m sure Adobe Firefly could give you a hand in generating that image.

Visit the store and find relief for your beloved pet today!